What is the Vanishing Inc. Magic Fund all About?

By Andi Gladwin - Wednesday, December 11, 2019

We run a charity for children who are interested in magic. It’s called the Vanishing Inc. Magic Fund, and we have three specific aims.

The first is to award scholarships to young magicians who wish to attend our convention, Magifest.

The second aim is to award funding to help advance the art of magic, with a particular emphasis on young magicians. In the past, we’ve focused our efforts on helping the fantastic College of Magic in South Africa, which teaches magic to at-risk kids in the community.

The third aim is to commission projects or talks that advance the art of magic. This arm of our charity is called ShareMagic, and we release publications and talks that are commercially unviable but important for the progress of the craft.

We are entirely funded through the generosity of donors. We receive donations from customers upon checkout—a dollar, five dollars, a thousand dollars sometimes - and we use this money to finance our scholarships, College of Magic funding, and more. We also receive specific and special donations from generous donors.

If you’d like to be part of our charity or you have an idea for how to advance the art of magic, we’d love to hear from you at magic@vanishingincmagic.com.

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