The Vanishing Inc. Youth Scholarship

By Joshua Jay - Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Around the time that Andi and I founded Vanishing Inc. Magic, we also founded our Youth Scholarship Program. Our thinking was simple: we wanted to give back something back to magic, since magic has given us so much. That sounds trite. I suppose it is, but that’s how we felt about it.

Andi and I both started in various young magician programs. We received help from older, wiser magicians and we could offer nothing in return. They helped us because they wanted to pass on their knowledge to the next generation. It was time, we felt, to do the same.

We founded the Youth Scholarship Program to make sure that ANY young magician who wanted to attend our convention, Magifest, would be able to do so regardless of their financial situation. We didn’t want where someone was born or how much money they had to be a factor in attending this weekend of magic. My life was changed forever by a positive experience at Magifest, and Andi and I wanted to bring that opportunity to as many kids as possible.

We founded an official 501c3 charity and we accept donations for the program. Donors can sponsor a young magician to attend Magifest with their parents. We at Vanishing Inc. match each donation to allow a parent to attend with their child. We provide special programming, free gifts, and financial assistance to accepted applicants. In addition to attending the convention, they get additional lectures and shows by the headliners.

If you’d like to help sponsor a kid or become involved in the program, we’d love to hear from you! Email us at

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