Scholarships for Young Magicians

We organize two youth events each year, in conjunction with our magic conventions, Magifest (in Columbus, Ohio) and The Session (in London, UK). Our mission is to ensure ANY young magician with a love for magic can participate in our conventions for free, regardless of background. We believe access to improving in magic should be automatic to every young magician with an interest, and not just accessible to the privileged few.

Magicians who are 18 years old or younger at the time of each convention can apply for free entrance. The scholarship matches each applicant by comping in one guardian per child.

Throughout the clinic, young magicians receive one-to-one instruction, lectures on stagecraft, scriptwriting, and magic technique designed for young performers, as well as free magic kits with props and reading materials. Our clinic promotes cooperation, public speaking, and helps connect like-minded young magicians and parents. Our youth program is wildly successful, and has tripled in size since its inception.

Every scholarship recipient requires a donor. The cost to sponsor a child for a youth program is $120. ShareMagic matches this donation so that a guardian may attend with each child.

We are also grateful for additional help in sponsoring an underserved family, who require assistance with hotel, meals, and in some cases, travel. Kindly reach out if you are interested in sponsoring an underserved family to attend one of our youth programs.

Travel and Hotel Scholarships

In addition to our existing support for young magicians, we are excited to introduce travel and hotel accommodation scholarships. Each year, we will offer up to four scholarships, each valued at up to $750, to aid young magicians in scholarships for magic camps (such as Tannens Magic Camp) or covering costs associated with travel and lodging for magic conventions worldwide. This new initiative is designed to further lower the barriers to entry, ensuring that even more young enthusiasts have the chance to immerse themselves in the global magic community, irrespective of their financial background.

These scholarships are available to all young magicians who show a keen interest in magic and express a desire to expand their knowledge and experience by attending a magic convention. To apply for a scholarship, parents of applicants are encouraged to send their details via email to The application should include a short personal introduction, a summary of the applicant's magic-related activities, and a statement on how attending a convention would enrich their journey in magic.